Purity Industries is a leading distributor of Water Purication technologies in the region with partnerships with the largest Micron and Ultra Violet Water Treatment manufacturers worldwide. This gives us an unrivalled position in the East African Region as a Unied solution provider for water treatment.
Water Purification
Water purification is the process of removing undesirable chemicals, biological contaminants, suspended solids and gases from contaminated water.
The goal of this process is to produce water fit for a specific purpose. Most water is disinfected for human consumption (drinking water) but water purification may also be designed for a variety of other purposes, including meeting the requirements of medical, pharmacological, chemical and industrial applications.
In general the methods used include physical processes such as filtration, sedimentation, and distillation, biological processes such as slow sand filters or biologically active carbon, chemical processes such as flocculation and chlorination and the use of electromagnetic radiation such as ultraviolet light.
The purification process of water may reduce the concentration of particulate matter including suspended particles, parasites, bacteria, algae, viruses, fungi; and a range of dissolved and particulate material derived from the surfaces that water may have made contact with after falling as rain.
The standards for drinking water quality are typically set by governments or by international standards. These standards will typically set a minimum and maximum concentrations of contaminants for the use that is to be made of the water.
It is not possible to tell whether water is of an appropriate quality by visual examination. Simple procedures such as boiling or the use of a household activated carbon filter are not sufficient for treating all the possible contaminants that may be present in water from an unknown source. Even natural spring water – considered safe for all practical purposes in the 19 century – must now be tested before determining what kind of treatment, if any, is needed. Chemical and microbiological analysis, while expensive, are the only way to obtain the information necessary for deciding on the appropriate method of purification.
Sources of Water
Groundwater: the water emerging from some deep ground water may have fallen as rain many tens, hundreds, or thousands of years ago. Soil and rock layers naturally filter the ground water to a high degree of clarity and often it does not require additional treatment other than adding chlorine or chloramines as secondary disinfectants. Such water may emerge as springs, artesian springs, or may be extracted from boreholes or wells. Deep ground water is generally of very high bacteriological quality (i.e. pathogenic bacteria or the pathogenic protozoa are typically absent), but the water may be rich in dissolved solids, especially carbonates and sulphates of calcium and magnesium. Depending on the strata through which the water has flowed, other ions may also be present including chloride, and bicarbonate. There may be a requirement to reduce the iron or manganese content of this water to make it acceptable for drinking, cooking, and laundry use. Primary disinfection may also be required. Where groundwater recharge is practised (a process in which river water is injected into an aquifer to store the water in times of plenty so that it is available in times of drought), the groundwater may require additional treatment depending on applicable state and federal regulations.
Upland lakes and reservoirs: Typically located in the headwaters of river systems, upland reservoirs are usually sited above any human habitation and may be surrounded by a protective zone to restrict the opportunities for contamination. Bacteria and pathogen levels are usually low, but some bacteria, protozoa or algae will be present. Where uplands are forested or peaty, humic acids can colour the water. Many upland sources have low pH which require adjustment.
Rivers, canals and low land reservoirs: Low land surface waters will have a significant bacterial load and may also contain algae, suspended solids and a variety of dissolved constituents
Atmospheric water generation is a new technology that can provide high quality drinking water from the air by cooling the air and thus condensing water vapor.
Rainwater harvesting or fog collection which collects water from the atmosphere can be used especially in areas with significant dry seasons and in areas which experience fog even when there is little rain.
Desalination of seawater by distillation or reverse osmosis.
Surface Water: Freshwater bodies that are open to the atmosphere and are not designated as groundwater are termed surface waters.
Water treatment describes industrial-scale processes that make water more acceptable for an end-use, which may be drinking, industrial, or medical.
Water treatment is unlike small-scale water sterilization that campers and other people in wilderness areas practice. Water treatment should remove existing water contaminants or so reduce their concentration that their water becomes fit for desired processes such as settling and filtration, and chemical processes such as disinfection and coagulation.
Biological processes are employed in the treatment of wastewater and these processes may include, for example, aerated lagoons, activated sludge or slow sand filters.
Potable Water Purification
Water purification is the removal of contaminants from untreated water to produce drinking water that is pure enough for the most critical of its intended uses, usually for human consumption.
Substances that are removed during the process of drinking water treatment include suspended solids, bacteria, algae, viruses, fungi, minerals such as iron, manganese and sulphur, and other chemical pollutants such as fertilisers.
Processes for Drinking Water Treatment
A combination selected from the following processes is used for municipal drinking water treatment worldwide
Pre-chlorination – for algae control and arresting any biological growth
Aeration – along with pre-chlorination for removal of dissolved iron and manganese
Coagulation – for flocculation
Coagulant aids, also known as polyelectrolytes – to improve coagulation and for thicker floc formation
Sedimentation – for solids separation, that is, removal of suspended solids trapped in the floc
Filtration – removing particles from water
Desalination – process of removing salt from the water
Disinfection – for killing bacteria
There is no unique solution (selection of processes) for any type of water. Also, it is difficult to standardise the solution in the from of processes for water from different sources.
Treatability studies for each source of water in different seasons need to be carried out to arrive at the most appropriate processes.
Technologies for potable water treatment are well developed, and generalised designs are available that are used by many water utilities (public or private).
In addition, a number of private companies provide patented technological solutions. Automation of water and waste-water treatment is common in the developed wor
Capital costs, operating costs available, quality monitoring technologies, locally available skills typically dictate the level of automation adopted.
Industrial Water Treatment
Two of the main processes of industrial water treatment are boiler water treatment and cooling water treatment.
A lack of proper water treatment can lead to the reaction of solids and bacteria within pipe work and boiler housing. Steam boilers can suffer from scale or corrosion when left untreated leading to weak and dangerous machinery, scale deposits can mean additional fuel is required to heat the same level of water because of the drop in efficiency.
Poor quality dirty water can become a breeding ground for bacteria such as Legionella causing a risk to public health.
With the proper treatment, a significant proportion of industrial on-site wastewater might be reusable.
This can save money in three ways: lower charges for lower water consumption, lower charges for the smaller volume of effluent water discharged and lower energy costs due to the recovery of heat in recycled wastewater.
Water Purification Technology
Reverse Osmosis
Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification technology that uses a semipermeable membrane. This membrane technology is not properly a filtration method. In reverse osmosis, an applied pressure is used to overcome osmotic pressure, a colligative property, that is driven by chemical potential, a thermodynamic parameter. Reverse osmosis can remove many types of molecules and ions from solutions, and is used in both industrial processes and producing potable water. The result is the solute is retained on the pressurized side of the membrane and the pure solvent is allowed to pass to the other side.
To be “selective”, this membrane should not allow large molecules or ions through the pores (holes), but should allow smaller components of the solution (such as the solvent) to pass freely.
This green, non-chemical technology provides treated water for many industrial processes for Mineral Water Manufacturers, Food Manufacturers, Soft Drink Manufacturers and many others. Some of the items supplied in Water Purication Processes. Pre-filters Equipment Reverse Osmosis Filters Reverse Osmosis Membrane Post-filters Drain line Ultra Violet disinfection Ultra Filtration Wrapping Up Equipment
The asymmetric PES (aPES) membrane provides superior flow rates, excellent downstream cleanliness, and low protein binding for cell culture applications, like media, sera, and growth. The Nalgene Rapid-Flow 0.2 micron aPES membranes are stem cell tested and recommended for fluids requiring sterilization, while the 0.1 micron membrane is ideal for mycoplasma removal, and the 0.45 micron can be used as a clarifying pre-filter.
Ceramic water filters are an inexpensive and effective type of water filter, that rely on the small pore size of ceramic material to filter dirt, debris, and bacteria out of water.
High Performance filter media outperforms conventional multimedia materials due its unique structure, allowing particulate to penetrate deeply into the filter bed to provide superior filtration at increased flow rates. Features & Benefits. Higher solids loading capability. Superior filtration performance
A polypropylene filter works in a mechanical way and removes sand, fine suspensions, corrosive products, impurities washed away from the surface of hydraulic installations and fats.